2017 Tournaments

Dear All,
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and now you’re all recovered from the festivities, it’s time to book in for those spring outdoor tournaments.
The ones that are popular with other club members are:-
Royal Richmond’s PAGODA shoot on the 9th April. This is one of the first outdoor shoots and very popular, so don’t wait too long.
On the same day there are shoots at Meriden and Clophill, so you’re spoiled for choice.
Kestrels shoot on 7th May.
Middlesex county weekend shoot on the 28th and 29th May. (York and WA1440.)
Surrey county Junior Champs on the 3rd June and
The DIANA on the 4th June.
Then we are into the full summer season. All the above are well attended so it’s worth getting your place booked pretty early.
As usual, just let me know if you are interested and I’ll do all the paperwork. I’ll collect the money on the day or before. (I’ve got a little list….)
Remember Froggin’ Hood on New year’s Day. Blow away the over-indulgent cobwebs.
See you there.

Peter King

New Web Site

Here, at last, is a new Whiteleaf Bowmen web site. Created after the old site was hacked four times in pretty quick succession.

It is one of those new-fangled types of web site. I’m not entirely convinced it is a better way of doing things. But it is still young and wobbly and I hope it improves as I get the hang of it. It should be better on mobile devices.