Whiteleaf Bowmen Open Shoot 2024 Results

This years tournament took place on the 19th of May. The day started off rather overcast but it got warmer as the day progressed. A special thanks to everyone who set up the field in the days leading up to the competition as well as the field party on the day who turned up early to help set up and helped with finding lost arrows.
A total of 35 archers took to the field shooting a variety of rounds. Results and photos are below.

Toria Greening

Toria had been member of Whiteleaf Bowmen for almost 45 years.  During that time she had been Club and County Champions, not to mention medallists at the National Indoor Championship, The Grand  National Archery Meeting and The Southern Counties Archery Meetings and regularly shot for Buckinghamshire.

At the club she had held all the major offices including Chairman when the club was forced to moved from “The Rose and Crown” at Saunderton in 2003.  Fortune was with us when we found our present home at Walter’s Ash.  In the early 1990’s she was made Honorary Vice President and Life member to reward her for her endeavours for the club.

Toria was a regular at Beginners classes, Fun Shoots and Work Parties where she was famed for her Rock Cakes at the rest intervals.

Toria’s son Paul came down from Coventry to plant an ornamental cherry tree at the far end of the field along the bottom fence,  with a plaque commemorating both Toria and Ken Greening.  Jan O’Keefe, Francis Gerrard, Susan and Barry Tutty, and Tony White were there from the club.

Open Tournament – UKRS York/Hereford/Bristols 2024

We are please to announce our annual Open Tournament which will be taking place on the 19th of May 2024

Venue: Whiteleaf Bowmen, New Road, High Wycombe, HP27 0PP (What3Words – https://w3w.co/thinnest.tender.geese)
Rounds: York, Hereford and Bristols
Closing date for entries: 3 May 2024
For further information please download the entry form:

You may also enter via our online entry form at: https://forms.gle/KXa3Qp48DQyC9kPA6

Archery Beginners Course – February 2024

Why not try something new this year? We’re putting on our first Archery course of the year.

Led my qualified instructors, you will learn the basics of archery technique, equipment and range safety.

The course will commence on Saturday the 3rd of February and will run for 4 weeks. 

Timings: 9:30am to 12pm.
Venue: Lacey Green Village hall (HP27 0QT).

For further information please email Beginners@whiteleafbowmen.org.uk 

The Barrel Trophy – Best Gold at 80 yards

The Whiteleaf Bowmen Barrel Trophy for best gold at 80 yards at our annual club tournament. It was was first awarded in in 1967. The complete list of winners for each year is as follows

1967C. E. Saunders
1968P. Tuffnell
1969Mr P. Morrison
1970J. Bradmore
1971Not Awarded
1972R. Shales
1973P. Morrison
1974R. Shales
1975R. Waldron
1976Mr A. Bridges
1977J. McCallun
1978J. McCallun
1979R. Brewer
1980P. Elkington
1981B. Funge
1982J. Fair
1983J. Fair
1984R. Woodhouse
1985S. Burford
1986D. Purcell
1987A. McCallum
1988Julie Johnson
1989B. Childs
1990J. Wyborn
1991Ann McCallum
1992P. McCarthy
1993F. Gerrard
1994B. Clifton
1995Mrs MO Morris
1996F. Gerrard
1997G. Whiteman
1998R. Gay
1999Jon Taylor
2000T. Greening
2001Susan Tutty
2002D. Evans
2003D. Evans
2004S. Rayment
2005Not Awarded
2006R. Stamp
2007G. Sutherland
2008T. Griffiths
2009T. Griffiths
2010P. Jay
2011B. Cornwell
2012S. Fowler
2013S. Bradshaw
2014J. Morling
2015C. Roberts
2016J. Morling
2017J. Morling
2018Not Awarded
2019Not Awarded
2020Not Awarded
2021A. Kirschner
2022I. Rehman
2023I. Rehman

Winter Frostbite 2023/2024

As the temperature drops and shooting time reduces it is time for the Whiteleaf Frostbite shoots. The shoots this winter season will be:

Sunday 5th November
Sunday 3rd December
Sunday 7 th January 2024
Sunday 4 th February
Sunday 3 rd March

Time: Shooting to start at 10:00 so arrive earlier to help set up the field and your equipment. Round usually takes less than 90 minutes to complete

Round: 36 arrows @ 30m (A 20m Frostbite or 10m Frostbite can be shot for those not shooting as far as 30m)

Competitions: Top scores for each bow type will be entered into the Selby Club Postal League and every score will be in the Whiteleaf handicap competition.

What: A short distance, small number of arrows round, shot on the first Sunday of each month over the winter period, just for club members. Open to all members whatever your ability and for the first time this year there will be a short frostbite round at 15m for anyone not shooting as far as 30m.

An ideal opportunity to keep those archery skills tuned over the winter, meet new club members and get out of the house for a couple of hours. Just remember to wear suitable clothes for the weather and don’t forget your bow and some arrows.

There is no requirement to book in advance, or attend each month, just turn up when you can and be ready to shoot at 10:00.

I look forward to seeing you at some or all of the Frostbites
Good shooting
John O
Whiteleaf Bowmen Records Officer

Whiteleaf Bowmen Club Champs Results – 20th August 2023

Twenty-Three archers eagerly took to the field to compete in the Club Championship shoot this year. With rounds ranging from a Long National for the actual championship, down to a National 30 there was something for all archers.  The weather stayed dry for the whole shoot and shooting started a fraction after 10:00.  With the shoot only being six dozen, almost every end had either a best gold or hidden colour prize for those that weren’t hitting the gold.  In fact, the most nervous times were the search for the arrow that would win the green colourprize and wondering when the Longbow Best Gold prize would be won.

After the final arrow had been shot, the field was returned to its usual look and our secretary Jan quickly put she scores in order and filled out the result sheet.  Our Lady Patron for the shoot Julie then presented the medals and some trophies and the colour prizes of chocolate.  The full results are below but special congratulations to our club champions for 2023, Julie, Paul D, Brenda, Simon, Imran and Junior Man Alex.

Thanks to Neill for arranging the tournament, Julie for being our Lady Patron, Jan for the scoring and results and all those who helped set-up before and tidy up after the shoot.  Hopefully see even more of you at this shoot in 2024.

Results and Photos follow.

Long National – Championship Round
Womens RecurveJulie
Mens RecurvePaul D
Womens CompoundBrenda
Mens BarebowImran
Mens LongbowAlan
Womens LongbowJan
Mens RecurveJon
Mens CompoundJulian
National 50
Mens RecurveAndy
National 40
Mens BarebowMatthew
Mens LongbowAdi
National 30
Mens BarebowDavid
National 30 Junior Championship Round
Junior Mens BarebowAlex
Spot Prizes
Best Gold @ 80 yardsImran
Most Golds UnrewardedAndreas and Kevin
Married CoupleJan and John
Best Gold CompoundNick
Best Gold RecurveJon
Best Gold BarebowAlex
Best Gold LongbowAdi
Red Colour PrizeAndy
Blue Colour PrizePeter
Black Colour PrizeAdi
White Colour PrizeAlan
Green Colour PrizeFrancis

Whiteleaf Bowmen Club Championships 2023

We will be holding the Club Championships on 20th August 2023. Sighters will commence at 10:00 PROMPTLY, registration will be from 09:30. We would be grateful for any members that would be willing to help setup prior to this.

This year we will be shooting variants of the National rounds, with the round for the Club Champion being a Long National. These are six dozen rounds, 4 dozen at the longer distance and 2 dozen at the shorter.

Long National                  80y & 60y

National                            60y & 50y

National 50                       50y & 40y

National 40                       40y & 30y

National 30                       30y & 20y

To encourage new members to participate we will also offer a “National 20”, this is not an official AGB round, but at 20 & 10 yards is ideal for those who are new to Archery.

In order to plan for the day can you please complete the form below to enter. Entries to be received no later than Monday 14th August 2023.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the club Tournaments Officer

Whiteleaf Bowmen Open Shoot 2023 Results

The day finally arrived for the first Whiteleaf Bowmen Open Shoot post pandemic with 28 archers due to compete across all 9 targets.  The ground party arrived early to set up the field with mist swirling around but the prospect of a dry, maybe sunny shoot.  Some sterling work soon had the field ready for the shoot and it was great to see a full field of targets with pristine targets on, ready to greet the archers.

As our Chairperson Julie welcomed the archers and went through the admin, the sun started to appear and 27 archers prepared themselves for the challenge ahead.  The shoot went really smoothly under the control of the judges David and Meera and helped by the fact we only had one missing arrow the whole day.

At the end of a very enjoyable shoot, the top archers in each category received their medals from our Lady Paramount, Jan, and a hastily arranged raffle (thanks to those who provided prizes) raised over £100 for club funds.

Thanks to Neill for arranging the tournament and those archers who helped on the day.

Whiteleaf Bowmen classifications shot on the day
Master Bowmen (and club and county records[tbc])            –           Imran R
Bowman 1st Class        –           Julie M, Kevin J
Bowmen 2nd Class       –           Jan O, John W, Marc B, Brenda G
Bowmen 3rd Class       –           Paul F, Jon S
