Have a go at the Longbow Shoot!

Dear All,

We are fast approaching our Longbow Open Shoot, and, compared to last year, we are down on numbers.

We need to, at least, make it look as if we have a full house; so if there are any club members who fancy having a go with a longbow, even if you’ve never done it before, now is your chance.

If you don’t possess a longbow, I’ll try and accommodate you, but even I have a limited supply.

Club members do not need to pay the entry fee, and any helpers can also shoot.

Please let me or Val know if you would like to join us, but please let us know NOW.

Many thanks,




Peter King
98 High Street,
Long Crendon,
HP18 9AL
01844 208618


Summer Sunday Shoots – April 2017 – The Warwicks

Sometimes, even I get things wrong. Sometimes I get things wrong and it’s a good thing. That happened last Sunday.

There I was, expecting about 12-15 archers to turn up to our first SSS, and to my amazement and delight 31 club members arrived.

Everything was going for us; the weather was perfect, spring was definitely in the air, and a beginner’s course had very recently been completed. Not only did a huge bunch of regulars arrive, but so did most of the beginners, all keen and eager to do a bit of outdoor shooting after being taught indoors.

Additional bosses were hastily set up at all the Warwick distances, plus another couple of targets at 20 yards for those not yet confident enough to shoot longer distances. Even Neil was caught on the hop slightly and had to rush back home to collect more arrows for the novices.

The shoot was conducted to tournament rules, and I’m pretty sure all the newcomers learned from the experience. Having said that, the atmosphere was relaxed and very friendly. It was one of those days when, whatever score you might have got, however well or badly you might have been shooting, it was an enjoyable event and a great fun morning.

For myself, I am looking forward to the next SSS. That will be May 7th. National rounds. Perhaps next time I had better expect 31….!

As ever, thanks to everybody who helped set up the field and take it all down again.

Peter King.

For more info see Summer Sunday Shoots and tables of rounds

Updated Whiteleaf Bowmen Club Tournament Calendar

The latest Club Tournament Calendar can be found here

I have shown all the tournaments that are within reasonable striking distance of the club, but if you have a particular shoot you would like included, please let me or Val know and we’ll get it added in, for the benefit of the other club members.
As usual, If you want to enter any tournament, just let me know and I’ll get you sorted. (Remember to let me have your GNAS number, which round, and bow style.)
Breaking News…. The Bucks County Champs entry is now available. 20th August 2017. Let me know if you want to enter.
See you all over the year.
Peter King (Tournament Officer)

Whiteleaf Summer Sunday Shoots

We will be running Club tournaments for the first Sunday in each month throughout the outdoor season.  For those new to competitions, it’s a chance to learn the rules and get into the swing of competitions and for our more experienced archers, it’s a chance to break club records on some of the less frequently shot rounds.  All of the rounds (except American) or groups of rounds can be shot at distances appropriate to age and ability – see the table on the next page to decide what suits you.

All rounds will start promptly at 10:00.

Please be at the field by 09:00 to set up.

Date Rounds No. of Dozen
2nd April Warwicks 4
7th May Nationals 6
11th June* American 7 ½
2nd July Westerns 8
6th August St George/Albion/Windsors 9
3rd September York/Hereford/Bristols 12

* First Sunday in June is the Diana shoot, so the June Summer Sunday Shoot will be the 2nd Sunday for June only.

If you wish to shoot in these club tournaments, please contact Peter King in advance to let him know what round or variant of a round you will be shooting.  This will help to make the field set-up as quick as possible

For the July, August and September shoots, bring a packed lunch.


Table of Rounds

100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
York 6 4 2 12 Adult Adult 1296
Hereford/Bristol I 6 4 2 12 U18 Adult 1296
Bristol II 6 4 2 12 U16 U18 1296
Bristol III 6 4 2 12 U14 U16 1296
Bristol IV 6 4 2 12 U12 U14 1296
Bristol V 6 4 2 12 U12 1296
100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
St George 3 3 3 9 Adult Adult 972
Albion 3 3 3 9 Adult Adult 972
Windsor 3 3 3 9 Adult Adult 972
Short Windsor 3 3 3 9 U16 U18 972
Junior Windsor 3 3 3 9 U14 U16 972
Short Junior Windsor 3 3 3 9 U12 972
100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
New Western 4 4 8 Adult Adult 864
Long Western 4 4 8 Adult Adult 864
Western 4 4 8 Adult Adult 864
Short Western 4 4 8 U16 U18 864
Junior Western 4 4 8 U14 U16 864
Short Junior Western 4 4 8 U12 U14 864
100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
American 2.5 2.5 2.5 7.5 Adult Adult 810
St Nicholas 4 3 7 U14 U16 756
100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
New National 4 2 6 Adult Adult 648
Long National 4 2 6 Adult Adult 648
National 4 2 6 Adult Adult 648
Short National 4 2 6 U16 U18 648
Junior National 4 2 6 U14 U16 648
Short Junior National 4 2 6 U12 U14 648
100yds 80yds 60yds 50yds 40yds 30yds 20yds 10yds Total Gents Ladies Max Score
New Warwick 2 2 4 Adult Adult 432
Long Warwick 2 2 4 Adult Adult 432
Warwick 2 2 4 Adult Adult 432
Short Warwick 2 2 4 U16 U18 432
Junior Warwick 2 2 4 U14 U16 432
Short Junior Warwick 2 2 4 U12 U14 432

Get Your Portsmouth Round Achievement Medals

Dear Recurve Archers,

During the winter indoor season most of you will be shooting a Portsmouth round. Some of you might not know that there are medals you can get for achieving different scores for that round.

Picture of Portsmouth Round Achievement Medals


You can claim an achievement medal simply by entering a Portsmouth score on or above a medal score. Eg. You might get a score of 431, in that case you can claim a 425 medal. The medals are £2.00 each. I will need to see your signed score sheet, but if you put your sheet in the folder at the end of the shoot, John O’Keeffe will have it on record.

See how many you can get by the end of the season?

Good shooting,
Peter King (Tournament Officer)

Clophill WA 900 Tournament in July

Hi All

This may be of interest.

Clophill are running a double 900 in July, see the entry form

WA 900 – July 2017 . Braziers Field, Kiln Lane, Clophill, Bedfordshire,MK45 4DA. Saturday 1st July 2017. Assembly 9:30am. Sunday 2nd July 2017. Assembly 9:30am.

This is a shorter (distance) round, 60m max, so could be good for our newer members and also for anyone looking to set a new club record, as I doubt that we have one for a WA 900. If nothing else is on at the same time, I’ll probably give it a go.



BA nights now on Wednesdays

With immediate effect, we’re going to move the BA night to Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, so as not to get affected by any overrun from the dance class.
The last time this happened the second session didn’t end till gone 10pm.

Therefore the next BA night is this Wednesday 11th January

Valerie Davey

New Year’s Day Fun shoot

‘Frogin’ Hood’

The forecast was not promising and it was, after all, New Year’s day morning, so I wasn’t expecting much of a turn out. How wrong could I be. Twenty club archers turned up full of bonhomie, hangovers and silly hats. The best turn out I can remember.

The day might have started overcast and we were all waiting for the rain, but luckily we got little more than a thin drizzle that failed to dampen our high spirits.

Mark had some devious tricks up his sleeve for us to attempt, just to add spice to the proceedings. Standing on one leg; dancing; shooting left handed; to name a few. That, plus the fact that we were all shooting the club jelly bows with unmatched arrows levelled the playing field somewhat.

It fell to the enthusiastic Andrew to show us how it should be done and he was rewarded by getting the highest score and the trophy.

Mince pies and hot drinks were partaken while the scores were totalled up. The rain got fed up with waiting and decided to open up just as we were all leaving for the pub. All in all, a good mornings fun.

Looking forward already to next year.

Happy New Year everybody.